It’s December 2024. You can save up to $690 with the Premium plan or Save up to $1,690 on the premium plus plan of this flight deal alert service. You now can buy a membership premium or premium plus plan to get Flight alerts for your smartphone devices to get all the best deals on flights in Business, Premium Economy, & Economy Class. It’s a one-time purchase membership plan, so if you need an application flight deal alert for the long run, this offer is for you.

What does Premium Plus Plan offer you?

The premium plus plan offers you all the best deals on flights in Business, Premium Economy, & Economy Class. And you can order this plan with a one-time purchase to access it on your phone.

You can get up to 50% discounts on products and services for your next adventure.

You can get instant alerts on your devices or email mailbox for booking flights. You can download and install the application flight deal alert on your devices anytime, anywhere, with an internet connection to access.

How to activate the purchase

You will receive the details to activate the purchase subscription plan after completing the order and successfully paying. There will be helpful information guides step by step to help you redeem it. Or you can log into the user dashboard to redeem the purchase.

How to access the service on device

You need to go to the Dollar Flight Club website’s to access your subscription plan and more details.

Topics #Subscription